Sometimes things happen, situations change, or we are made to go in a different direction. We wonder, “Why God?”. It seems like things are going great! There are improvements being made, new things introduced, and you feel like you are on the right track. Yet, one small thing; A phone call, an E-mail, etc. changes EVERYTHING (or so it seems).
Doubt creeps in. We start evaluating everything and everyone, including ourselves. We ask “What have I done wrong?” More often than not, the answer is “nothing”. There is just a new path to be taken. IT WILL BE OKAY! You are still God’s child. He still loves you. He is still going to use you. He’s not finished with you.
It’s in these times we should focus on getting closer to Jesus. Check our priorities. Pray more, fast more, dig into the Word more. And WORSHIP more.
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:13 NIV
For every storm, there will be a rainbow. You may not always see it…but its there.