Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh how I love you Jesus, I know that you love me so. I love your word that tells me to you I belong. Though I am weak, you are strong. Your hands so big, they carry me. True, you love me so much, true you love me so. My heart just over flows.

I am so weak Lord, and you are so strong. Thank you God for carrying me when I couldn't walk. Thank you Lord for picking me up when I have fallen. Thank you God for your grace and your mercy. Where would I be without your love? I don't deserve any of the blessings you've given me. I haven't always taken care of the talents you've given me. I haven't always done what I felt was right. I haven't always stood up for you. I haven't always been a light. I haven't always shared your love with others. I'll never be perfect.

BUT GOD... You love me in spite of all these things. You continue to bless me anyway. You continue to keep and protect me. You remain faithful. You've never turned your back on me. You love me even though I hurt you. I could never repay the debt that I owe. I'll never do enough for you. But I'll do my best.

I can do ALL things through Christ who is my strength. Phil. 4:13


  1. Adorable pictures and awesome praise to the Lord...that unconditional great and full of mercy....

  2. What a honest and sincere post. What a beautiful loving heart...what a wonderful daughter you are...I love you babygirl.
